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Focus on enjoyment, rather than achievement.

“Lose your pre-conceived notions of how the activity should be done or what the end product might be, as people in the middle and late stage of dementia are not capable of understanding the goal of an activity. Just enjoy the process and the current moment of doing!” - Monica Heltemes, Dementia: The Importance of Staying Active, Easy Living

The team at AmuseIT recommend the iPad or Android Tablet as the best devices, as they have a large screen and don't require the fine motor skills required for a smartphone.

"Tablets and smartphones. These digital devices can be very useful for people with dementia. From online games, puzzles and dedicated dementia apps, to Skype and You Tube, they provide a way to stay engaged with others and enjoy a range of activities."

Take a “walk” through the art gallery.

Before you start, increase the number of questions in the “Setting" screen to 10.

The photo of the Mona Lisa was taken with the frame off. It is a really special image. Have you ever noticed the scene behind the Mona Lisa before?

Ideas to get started:
"Let’s take a look through the art gallery"

 "What do you think about this style of art?"

“Do you like this picture”

Try a couple of people using the AmuseIT quiz alongside the person living with dementia.

Jack and Annabelle discussed the images and questions in AmuseIT that they knew their Mother would related to. This allowed their Mother, who is living with dementia, to join in the conversation without the pressure of initiating the discussion.

Consider using AmuseIT in small groups. 

There can be lots of laughing! 

There is always someone who knows more about a topic than the others and as a result can bring people out who don’t normally engage.


Are your hands too shaky to use a tablet?

Try turn off the "Single tap answer", in the settings screen, to allow the users to change their answer before selecting the "Check my answer" button.

Use the Slide show mode if the user is finding the “Next question” button confusing

The slide show mode moves automatically to the next question after you have selected an answer.

With the slide show mode is turned off, it allows you to control when the next picture is displayed. This leaves more time for chatting. Just select the “Next question” button to continue with the quiz.


Don’t correct the person with dementia or say “Do you remember?”.

Be patient and give the person time, being supportive and not critical.

View Amuse IT on your TV

AmuseIT is designed for one on one or small group interactions but sometimes you might like to display the AmuseIT app on a bigger TV screen.

Try using the Apple TV for the ipad or Chromecast for Andriod tablets to view Amuse IT on the TV screen. You will still need to use the ipad or tablet to select the answers.

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Don’t forget to shut down and restart your iPad or Android tablet regularly.

This helps to refresh the tablets memory and keeps all your apps running more efficiently.